How did you come to be an acupuncturist ?

My first introduction was a magazine article after President Nixon went to China. There was a picture of a woman having a Caesarian operation and she was wide awake ! I thought "There's got to be something to this." Many years later I read a book about the Chinese theory of breast disease. I thought it made a lot of sense. Acupuncture could actually prevent some problems from occurring. I liked the acupuncture experience. I read more and realized that this was a skill I could use, as I am a small person and liked making things with my hands. When I worked with hospice patients, many of them were heavily medicated and not able to communicate with their family during their final days. I thought acupuncture might be able to ease their pain and concerns and let them have a more peaceful death. I had studied Chinese culture, appreciated their respect for the elderly, liked their philosophy of following nature, and had studied Tai Chi for many years. I felt acupuncture was the right path for me.

Does acupuncture heal or cure ?

We must think "What are the underlying conditions that lead to a situation ?" Treating a symptom is only a temporary solution. If the root of the problem is not addressed, the symptom may return. Acupuncture assists in the healing process. It is an adjustment in the flow of energy and fluids in your body. It helps your body to function better on many levels. I believe your body, in all its wisdom, knows what areas need to be healed first. The meridian system reaches many areas that are interconnected. Acupuncture can treat (produce a shift) in many conditions. But a change in lifestyle (diet, activity, rest, habits, & attitude) will be needed if one is looking for a healing or a cure.

Do needles hurt?

I use Japanese style solid needles that are very thin (similar to the thickness of a hair). They are very different from hollow needles that are used to withdraw blood or inject fluids. Sometimes there is pricking sensation or nothing is felt at all, depending on the amount of flesh in the area. If you are uncomfortable, I will remove it. Some people are very sensitive and do not find an acupuncture session to be helpful. Most people feel relaxed and sometimes fall asleep. Often there is a soft pulsing or wavelike sensation.

What is the difference between dry needling and acupuncture?

Dry needling IS acupuncture. The skin is pierced using an acupuncture needle. I heard a physical therapist say that acupuncture treats energy and PT treats muscles. Therefore they are not doing acupuncture. Acupuncture treats the myofascial covering of the muscles (surface level) and also the muscle (deeper level), as in the release of trigger points. (See my editorial response in www.acupuncturetoday.com , July 2019 , p.30 "Stay Within Your Scope of Practice".

Do you accept insurance ?

I am not associated with any insurance company. Please contact your insurance company to see if they cover acupuncture and for your condition. I can provide an invoice with appropriate codes that you can submit for reimbursement. I do not take credit cards.

This is a model of the ear. It shows several points that are used to detox alcohol, drugs, and smoking. They can also be used for palliative care for hospice patients. (The image is enlarged to show how thin the needles are.)